
“The Ultimate Sensory Experience!”

Extreme LED Lighting, Sound & Hydrotherapy


“World’s Only Infinity Edge Hot Tubs”

Unique Patented Design


“Stimulate Your Senses”


“The Ultimate Hot Tub”

Exclusive – LED Illumination

Exclusive – Bluetooth Sound

Exclusive – 7 & 9HP Monster Pumps

Exclusive – Fragrance Injector


“Forever Friends”

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Coast Spas Niagara Infinity Edge

The Feature Of Your Outdoor Greatroom

Ask For Your Personal Wet Test Today!

Infinity Edge Design

Coast Spas Infinity Edge Design side view of lake
Coast Spas Infinity Edge Spa brochure photo with view of ocean and mountains in background during sunset
Coast Spas Infinity Edge Spa Always Perfect family in hot tub spa
Always Perfect
Coast Spas Infinity Edge Spa No Filter Grate red hot tub
No Filter Grate
Coast Spas Infinity Edge Spa Ultimate View of ocean and mountains in background during sunset
Ultimate View
Coast Spas Infinity Edge Spa Largest Waterfall
Largest Waterfall
Always Perfect

In a Coast Spas® Cascade Series Spa, the water level will always stay the same regardless of how many people are in the spa. No wasted water caused by overflow means less chemical usage and no additional energy wasted to heat the water, resulting in a smaller environmental impact. When your guests leave the spa, it automatically fills itself back to the same level.

No Filter Grate

You’ll never have to share your hot tub with loud skimmers that suck water down into your filtration system. Gone are the days of the floating telescope skimmers that take up the area of one seat or more. Your vanishing edge waterfall does all the skimming of your spa water using our patented vanishing edge design and with the pressurized commercial-grade Hydro Cyclonic Filtration System®, you will never sit in your hot tub with your filter cartridge again.

Ultimate View

No other portable hot tub in the world can give you the same unobstructed view from your hot tub. Our patented vanishing edge design allows bathers to look out at an unobstructed view, beginning at your spa’s waterline.

Largest Skimmer

Having the largest skimmer available will supercharge debris removal from your spa. Replacing the traditional “bobbing telescopic” skimmers, your vanishing edge not only skims your spa water quicker and more efficiently… but looks fantastic doing the job.

Infinity Edge Spas

Every Spa Comes With Patented Vanishing Edge, zero water displacement, no filter grate design and largest skimmer in the world.

Coast Spas Infinity Edge Cascade 2 spa hot tub top view
Cascade II
Coast Spas Infinity Edge spa hot tub top view
Coast Spas Infinity Edge Phantom spa hot tub top view
Coast Spas Infinity Edge Horizon spa hot tub top view

Patented “Infinity Edge”

Zero Displacement, 1 or 10 Occupants Do Not Change the Water Levels!
No Foam Accumulation • No Water Line Issues
Coast Spas Infinity Vanishing Edge spa blue lit hot tub with waterfall
Infinity Edge
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Coast Spas Infinity Edge Spa 24-inch waterfall flowing over woman in hot tub
24″ Waterfall
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Coast Spas Infinity Edge spa sweeper jet feature hot tub
Sweeper Jet
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Coast Spas Infinity Edge spa hydro clonic filtration feature hot tub
Hydro Cyclonic Filtration
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