Coast Spas Patio Hot Tub at night with glowing lights

Coast Spas Patio Series

“Class A” 110vt. “Plug ‘n’ Play” Spas

Factory Direct – Prices $3,880 to $6,880
Coast Spas Seabreaze hot tub spa
Seabreeze (Stocked)
Coast Spas Aruba hot tub spa
Coast Spas Omega Patio hot tub spa
Omega (Stocked)
Coast Spas Alpha Patio hot tub spa
Alpha (Stocked)
Coast Spas Tublicious hot tub spa
TubLicious™ (Stocked)


Multiple Layers of Premium Owen Corning® Fiberglass with Steel Reinforcement

Coast Spas® has partnered with Owens Corning® to Deliver the Toughest and Most Durable Hot Tub Shells Available.

Your hot tub starts its life as a sheet of premium acrylic. It is then heated and vacuum-formed to take on the shape of a hot tub, at this point the acrylic is fragile and flexible. The acrylic shell is then moved to be reinforced using high-grade Owens Corning® fiberglass. A team of specialists start by applying several layers of fiberglass to the shell, then use rollers to compress those layers together. Steel angle iron is then placed onto those first compressed layers for additional support in specific structural areas.

Additional layers of Owens Corning® fiberglass are then added (up to 12 layers or more are typical for an average-size Coast Spas Model) and compressed again, by hand, to complete the shell reinforcement.

True Pressurized Filtration

Hydro Clonic Filtration System. 83% faster, 20% more efficient than skim filtration
Hydro Cyclonic Filtration System

Without a pressurized system, once the water flow to the filter subsides, the debris that was caught in the filter is free to float back into the spa and re-contaminate the water. We like this idea about as much as sitting in the water with the dirty filters. So Coast Spas developed the Hydro Cyclonic Filtration System®. This is a commercial-grade, pressurized filtration system with the filter canister completely removed from the bathing area and coupled with an oversized skimmer.

This system comes with the largest filter available in any hot tub. Coast Spas has the only spas that can accept a 175 sq.ft. filter. In North America it is law for any commercial establishment to have a closed pressurized filtration system on any public pool or hot tub. Not only is it more efficient and faster than a skim filtration system but it also removes the dirty filter canisters from the bathing area.

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